
- Profiling of tubes by means of oxyfuel and plasma cutting
- Profiling of beams and hollow sections by means of plasma cutting
SSC Steel Shape Cutters is a new and
competent provider of 3D-profiling!
- fast
- accurate
- without further finishing
- cost effective
SSC and3DProfilingher MarketsTechnical
SSC & 3D-profiling
- Computer-controlled machine cutting
- plasma and oxyfuel, thicknesses up to 150 mm
- tubes ranging from ø 200 to 2500 mm OD
- beams and hollow sections up to 1200 mm wide
- plate up to 1200 mm wide and 3000 mm long
The range of SSC
SSC Steel Shape Cutters provide services to many branches of industry where steel is used: from construction and offshore to process piping and crane building.
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